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Save your data with this app by making voice and video calls free of charge

Save your data with this app by making voice and video calls free of charge

Vote: (7 votes)

Program license: Paid

Developer: Ring Inc.

Version: 5.8.0

Works under: Android

Also available for Windows


Program license

(7 votes)




Ring Inc.


Works under:

Also available for




  • Offers a unique blend of communication and entertainment features.
  • Simple and intuitive interface.
  • Good performance on a variety of devices.


  • More clarity needed about the job feature.
  • Stability of performance may vary depending on device and internet quality.

A versatile social networking app offering a unique blend of functionalities: ringID.


ringID is an innovative social networking app that offers a unique blend of features. It not only provides a platform for communication but also serves as a hub for entertainment. With ringID, users can connect with others, enjoy live broadcasts, listen to music, and even earn through a job feature.

Interface and Usability

ringID sports a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for beginners to navigate. The design is clean and uncluttered, which contributes to its user-friendly nature. Users have often noted the app's smooth operation and have praised its visually appealing layout.


Communication: ringID offers a comprehensive communication solution with features such as voice calls, video calls, and messaging. Users can connect with others around the globe, making it a versatile tool for personal and professional communication.

Entertainment: Aside from its communication features, ringID also provides access to a wide range of entertainment options. Users can tune in to live broadcasts, enjoy music, and even watch videos.

Job Feature: One of the unique aspects of ringID is its job feature. Users have reported being able to earn through the app, although more details about this functionality could be provided to clarify any uncertainties.


ringID performs well on most devices. The app is responsive and doesn't seem to lag, according to user reviews. However, the stability of the app's performance may vary depending on the device used and the quality of the internet connection.


  • Offers a unique blend of communication and entertainment features.
  • Simple and intuitive interface.
  • Good performance on a variety of devices.


  • More clarity needed about the job feature.
  • Stability of performance may vary depending on device and internet quality.